Technology Security Responsibilities for Faculty/Staff
- Ensure that you read and adhere to the Information Technology Security Documents located on the Information Technology web page. This includes, but is not limited to, the password guideline document and Computing Access Agreement.
- Use your personal computer/network account(s) owned by The College for College related activities only. No user ID or account on any computer system may be used for unethical, illegal, or criminal purposes.
- Be aware of and take into account local, state, federal, and institutional reporting and auditing requirements and guidelines relative to the information/data you process or manage and/or disclose. If you are unsure of these requirements, check with your immediate supervisor.
- Take appropriate and reasonable steps to inhibit attempts from someone to obtain unauthorized copies of information processed in your departments or to gain unauthorized access to workstations or information.
- When you terminate your employment with The College return your physical access keys/cards and other College owned items on your last day of work.
- Do not give or loan to others access keys, access cards, passwords or combinations.
- Do not write passwords or other sensitive information on notepaper and stick them to workstations, place them on walls or keep them in obvious locations in or around the desk.
- Logoff all systems and computers at the end of the workday or for breaks to ensure all critical information is not exposed, and that computer systems will require a password to regain access to the systems.
- Question and challenge unfamiliar individuals who are in secure or sensitive areas of your department or in other departments of which you are aware.
- Store important work related files/databases on the network (ex: H: or S: drive) not on your local drive.
- Do not physically or electronically connect any device to your workstation without approval from Information Technology.
- Contact the Help Desk to report any security lapses or breaches on any College system.
- Do not develop programs or use mechanisms to alter or avoid the proper sign-on procedures or use accounting procedures to anonymously or by an alias access systems/data.
- Use only the computers, accounts, data files/information to which you are authorized. You are individually responsible for all resources and privileges assigned to you.
- If you are not sure you are authorized to release data/reports or information, check with your immediate supervisor.
- Printed output containing confidential or sensitive information must be treated with the same care as confidential data files.
- Recognize the sensitive nature of the information accessed and processed in your departments so that no data, reports, information, etc. are left exposed for anyone to read or pick up. Sensitive information includes but is not limited to social security number, address, phone, birth date, grades, financial and medical information. If you are unsure about the sensitive nature of particular information, check with your immediate supervisor.
- Do not copy or duplicate software. Do not install any software on your machine or alter its configuration; Only IT services staff may perform this work.
- Do not duplicate any copyrighted materials (files, videos, programs, music) without explicit permission from the copyright owner.
Endorsed by the Information Technology Planning Council 11/2006